Project Update: 20-Day Closure Along Northbound CO 257

As a part of the Colorado Department of Transportation’s roadway improvements, northbound CO 257 will be closed for construction in the Cache la Poudre River floodplain from Poudre Trail Dr. to Crossroads Blvd. starting at 7 a.m. on Monday, July 31 until Friday, August 25. The closure is expected to last 20 days and commuters traveling north on CO 257 will have to detour. Southbound CO 257 will remain open.
The full 30-day closure of CO 257 from Walnut St. to Eastman Park Dr. remains in effect until Friday, August 4. CDOT is completing as much work as possible before school is back in session. This full closure saves several weeks of one-lane alternating traffic conditions and intersection closures.
The Town of Windsor is responsible for communicating the intersection improvements along Eastman Park Dr. and CO 257. Due to the nature of this closure, the town is assisting CDOT in notifying residents and business owners of the anticipated impacts. For all future updates on CDOT’s CO 257 roadway improvements, visit To receive CDOT traffic alert notifications, text 257 to 866-762-3640.
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