What is different between the 2012 and the 2020-2022 studies?

    The 2020 - 2022 study is led by the town, while the 2012 study was led by the Downtown Development Authority.  The 2022 study will review all current and previous planning efforts (Town Comp Plan, Transportation Plan, DDA Strategic Plan), utilize state-of-the-art technology to collect parking utilization and duration information, include all current development projects such as the new brewery and wedding venue as well as developing parking projections through the year 2030. The new study will consider the impacts of emerging transportation technologies such as connected and autonomous vehicles, parking management for special downtown events, implementation timelines, funding strategies and cost estimates.

    How will the consultant identify parking trends?

    Parking data will be collected at different points of the year. Heat maps developed to show parking trends based on data collected.  typical Saturday and during a special event.

    How does the Downtown Parking Plan relate to the downtown backlots?

    The Parking Committee and internal Technical Advisory Committee have met to discuss and understand the impacts of development and future growth across all parts of the study area in downtown. There will be future meetings for both these groups and opportunities for the general public to review parking related recommendations based on existing and future demand in 2022.