Eastman Park River Experience Phase ll Groundbreaking
Windsor Parks, Recreation & Culture is inviting the public to attend the Eastman Park River Experience Phase ll project groundbreaking, located at Eastman Park South off of Laku Lake Rd., near the Treasure Island Demonstration Garden from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 13.
As one of 15 key project participants, Windsor is partnering with the Northern Integrated Supply Project (NISP) to dedicate 9 acres of land for wetland mitigation. This collaboration aims to enhance the overall environmental quality and recreational features for the benefit of the community. As part of this dedication, a portion of Eastman Park South will be preserved as wetland.
Phase ll also includes an additional parking lot, shelters, trail expansion, the installation of new Cache La Poudre River access points including ones with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility, a nature themed playground, a hill slide, landscaping and irrigation.
The completion of this project is anticipated in spring 2024.
To learn more about NISP visit, NISPwater.org.
For more information about Windsor parks and amenities, visit recreationliveshere.com/Parks.