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The project focuses on identifying low-cost improvements that can enhance traffic safety in the area. Some examples of these improvements include better signs and road markings, increasing sight distance for drivers, adjusting traffic signal timing, and implementing speed limit changes or other measures to calm traffic.
One specific improvement being considered is the installation of a HAWK (High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk) pedestrian signal at the Colorado Blvd. and the Poudre River Trail crossing, where there is already a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB). This addition would make crossing safer for pedestrians. Town staff are also working on compiling the 2024 Traffic Crash report, which reviews crash and traffic data from throughout the year. Once the report is complete, the findings will be used to identify locations where low-cost improvements can be applied to reduce the risk of accidents and improve overall traffic safety.
The project focuses on identifying low-cost improvements that can enhance traffic safety in the area. Some examples of these improvements include better signs and road markings, increasing sight distance for drivers, adjusting traffic signal timing, and implementing speed limit changes or other measures to calm traffic.
One specific improvement being considered is the installation of a HAWK (High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk) pedestrian signal at the Colorado Blvd. and the Poudre River Trail crossing, where there is already a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB). This addition would make crossing safer for pedestrians. Town staff are also working on compiling the 2024 Traffic Crash report, which reviews crash and traffic data from throughout the year. Once the report is complete, the findings will be used to identify locations where low-cost improvements can be applied to reduce the risk of accidents and improve overall traffic safety.