June 2021 Project Update
We are making progress on the project and are excited to provide you with a few updates. Basic design improvements for the Walnut Street Bikeway are scheduled for later this summer with work happening in July and August. These improvements will provide designated roadway space for cyclists and improve intersection crossing safety for pedestrians.
Residents can expect to see:
- Crosswalk refuge islands at multiple locations on Walnut Street, including the 10th Street intersection. These are intended to create safer crosswalks and improve pedestrian visibility to vehicles.
- Curb extensions to reduce intersection crossing distances for pedestrians.
- Advisory bike lanes in the western section of the corridor. These lanes provide space for bikes along the roadway in narrower road sections while retaining existing parking areas for vehicles.
- Buffered bike lanes in the eastern section of the corridor. These lanes provide dedicated areas for bicyclists separate from cars.
- Intersection reconstruction at the Walnut Street and 7th Street intersection to reduce crash potential for cars, bikes and pedestrians. For more information visit the 7th Street project page.
Additionally, we will be posting new wayfinding signs for bicyclists. These signs are designed to promote biking and aid navigation. Click on the image below for more details. Leave a comment and let us know what you think.
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