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With regional growth, the Colorado Blvd. corridor is experiencing substantially higher traffic flows. In order to accommodate for the continued growth of Windsor, it is necessary to improve the capacity of the corridor from Main St. (CO 392) to Jacoby Rd. (CR 68 ½).
Currently, the existing Colorado Blvd, is not continuous past Jacoby Rd. (CR 68 ½). Vehicles must continue Jacoby Rd. between Latham Rd. and Colorado Blvd. to continue on the roadway.
This project will be completed in two parts. The first part, which is slated to take place in 2025, will correct the segmented roadway by realigning Colorado Blvd. and shift the intersection at Jacoby Rd. (WCR 68 ½) 300 feet west. The intersection will remain as a one-way stop, but a northbound dedicated left turn lane will be added to Colorado Blvd. to alleviate congestion at the stop sign.
Phase two of the project, which will take place once funding is secured, will connect Colorado Blvd. to Latham Pkwy. by realigning the roadway to the west and crossing the Greeley No. 2 Canal. By the end of phase two, Colorado Blvd./Latham Pkwy. will be a continuous minor arterial roadway connecting Windsor to other surrounding communities.
Impacts to Kyger Open Space
The Project will affect Kyger Open Space, a 150-acre recreational area on the northwest corner of CO 392 and WCR 13, by incorporating 3.37 acres of the property into permanent transportation right of way. It will also leave a 1.04-acre piece of land at the northeastern edge of Kyger Open Space in between the new road location and the old location of WCR 13 inaccessible to recreation. This change will not impact the recreational use of the open space because it is on the far east edge of the facility. All existing and planned trails and amenities are outside of the proposed improvements. There will be temporary construction impacts at the east parking lot entrance, but access will be maintained at all times. The east parking lot entrance to the open space will be improved with this project by paving and widening the existing gravel entrance. Under Section 4(f) regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966, CDOT has determined this to be a de minimis impact to the property because it does not adversely affect recreational features, attributes, or activities of the property.
Public Input Opportunities
The Town of Windsor and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) are giving public notice and seeking comments on impacts to Kyger Open Space associated with the Weld County Road (WCR) 13 Realignment at Jacoby Road Project.
With regional growth, the Colorado Blvd. corridor is experiencing substantially higher traffic flows. In order to accommodate for the continued growth of Windsor, it is necessary to improve the capacity of the corridor from Main St. (CO 392) to Jacoby Rd. (CR 68 ½).
Currently, the existing Colorado Blvd, is not continuous past Jacoby Rd. (CR 68 ½). Vehicles must continue Jacoby Rd. between Latham Rd. and Colorado Blvd. to continue on the roadway.
This project will be completed in two parts. The first part, which is slated to take place in 2025, will correct the segmented roadway by realigning Colorado Blvd. and shift the intersection at Jacoby Rd. (WCR 68 ½) 300 feet west. The intersection will remain as a one-way stop, but a northbound dedicated left turn lane will be added to Colorado Blvd. to alleviate congestion at the stop sign.
Phase two of the project, which will take place once funding is secured, will connect Colorado Blvd. to Latham Pkwy. by realigning the roadway to the west and crossing the Greeley No. 2 Canal. By the end of phase two, Colorado Blvd./Latham Pkwy. will be a continuous minor arterial roadway connecting Windsor to other surrounding communities.
Impacts to Kyger Open Space
The Project will affect Kyger Open Space, a 150-acre recreational area on the northwest corner of CO 392 and WCR 13, by incorporating 3.37 acres of the property into permanent transportation right of way. It will also leave a 1.04-acre piece of land at the northeastern edge of Kyger Open Space in between the new road location and the old location of WCR 13 inaccessible to recreation. This change will not impact the recreational use of the open space because it is on the far east edge of the facility. All existing and planned trails and amenities are outside of the proposed improvements. There will be temporary construction impacts at the east parking lot entrance, but access will be maintained at all times. The east parking lot entrance to the open space will be improved with this project by paving and widening the existing gravel entrance. Under Section 4(f) regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966, CDOT has determined this to be a de minimis impact to the property because it does not adversely affect recreational features, attributes, or activities of the property.
Public Input Opportunities
The Town of Windsor and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) are giving public notice and seeking comments on impacts to Kyger Open Space associated with the Weld County Road (WCR) 13 Realignment at Jacoby Road Project.