What is a Comprehensive Plan?

    The Comprehensive Plan (Plan) is a community-informed guiding document that considers many facets of the community, including but not limited to how to respond to growth; ensure orderly land use and development patterns; identify where major infrastructure and facilities should be anticipated; manage resource allocation and park and open space planning; and promote economic development and regional coordination.

    Comprehensive Plans in Colorado must include a series of elements as indicated in C.R.S. 30-28-106 and 31-23-206, to ensure that the Plans address both current and long-term needs and provide for a balance between the natural and built environment. Comprehensive Plans are guiding documents that provide the policy framework for regulatory tools like zoning, subdivision regulations, and annexations.

    Why Update the Plan?

    Population projections from our current Plan, adopted in 2016, predicted that our town’s population would be at about 25,000 by 2020. However, our Town’s population today is at 38,000 (ESRI, 2022). Our current Plan is due for an update to ensure that policies and programs accommodate the challenges and opportunities associated with growth and support the Town in its mission to “promote community and hometown pride through sustainable, excellent, and equitable delivery of services in a fiscally responsible manner.”

    Why is this Important?

    • For residents: The Plan will identify community character elements and locations for future housing, parks, trails, community facilities, etc.
    • For business and property owners: The Plan will include land use recommendations and development policies for properties.
    • For Town staff: The Plan will provide direction on the topics of development, policies, programs, and services to serve the community.
    • For Town decision-makers: The Plan will give guidance on budgets, timing for capital improvements, and review of development proposals.