Downtown Master Plan

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The Town of Windsor is collaborating with the Windsor Downtown Alliance (WDA), formerly known as the Downtown Development Authority, to create the town's first Downtown Master Plan. The final Downtown Master Plan is available to view.

The plan seeks to guide healthy growth and development that considers the quality of life, businesses and placemaking opportunities in Downtown Windsor. The plan is designed to establish a long-term vision to celebrate Downtown Windsor’s potential with a clear and actionable blueprint. The plan and its findings are the result of a collaborative process created by a partnership between the Town of Windsor, the WDA, local residents, businesses, and visitors.

Provide comments, questions, or edits based on personal perspectives and experiences in Downtown Windsor. Following conclusion of the public comment period, comments and the draft plan will be presented to the Windsor Planning Commission and Town Board. After which comments and edits will be incorporated before a final hearing before the Town Board.

The Town of Windsor is collaborating with the Windsor Downtown Alliance (WDA), formerly known as the Downtown Development Authority, to create the town's first Downtown Master Plan. The final Downtown Master Plan is available to view.

The plan seeks to guide healthy growth and development that considers the quality of life, businesses and placemaking opportunities in Downtown Windsor. The plan is designed to establish a long-term vision to celebrate Downtown Windsor’s potential with a clear and actionable blueprint. The plan and its findings are the result of a collaborative process created by a partnership between the Town of Windsor, the WDA, local residents, businesses, and visitors.

Provide comments, questions, or edits based on personal perspectives and experiences in Downtown Windsor. Following conclusion of the public comment period, comments and the draft plan will be presented to the Windsor Planning Commission and Town Board. After which comments and edits will be incorporated before a final hearing before the Town Board.

Page last updated: 21 Jan 2025, 12:59 PM