Energy Action Plan

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On Monday, June 12, Windsor’s Town Board adopted the town’s first ever Energy Action Plan, intended to explore ways to help the community save energy and money while leveraging renewable energy programs. This initiative was part of Xcel Energy’s Partners in Energy Program, which provides resources to develop and implement these energy plans.

The plan goals will help save more than $250,000 in Windsor’s community energy costs –2.6 million Kwh of electricity and 113,400 therms of natural gas savings. The action plan was a collaboration between the Town of Windsor, Xcel Energy and other local stakeholders passionate about conservation and efficiency.

On Monday, June 12, Windsor’s Town Board adopted the town’s first ever Energy Action Plan, intended to explore ways to help the community save energy and money while leveraging renewable energy programs. This initiative was part of Xcel Energy’s Partners in Energy Program, which provides resources to develop and implement these energy plans.

The plan goals will help save more than $250,000 in Windsor’s community energy costs –2.6 million Kwh of electricity and 113,400 therms of natural gas savings. The action plan was a collaboration between the Town of Windsor, Xcel Energy and other local stakeholders passionate about conservation and efficiency.

  • Energy Efficiency and Savings Opportunities for Windsor Residents

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    Explore resources from Xcel Energy, Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association (PVREA), and Atmos Energy for ways to save money while improving energy efficiency in your home and investing in renewable energy resources.

    Xcel Energy Programs and Resources

    Home Energy Efficiency Resources: Not sure where to start when it comes to making your home more energy efficient? Check out these Xcel Energy programs and resources for rebates, savings, and efficiency opportunities!

    • Home Energy Squad: For just $50, the Home Energy Squad will come to your home and swap out traditional light bulbs for LEDs, install a programmable thermostat, weather-strip a drafty door, install energy-efficient shower heads and aerators, and more. Installation, labor, and materials are FREE and valued at $200! Free virtual visits are also available. Schedule a visit online today.
    • Heating and Cooling Efficiency: Heating and cooling your home can account for 50% of your energy bill. Xcel Energy offers rebates for the following:
      • Heating and cooling
      • Insulation and air-sealing
      • LED lighting
      • Cellular shades
      • Water heaters
      • Smart thermostats
      • Refrigerator recycling
      • Electric vehicle charging

    Visit to explore more details.

    • Energy Efficient Products: Shop the Xcel Energy Store and find energy efficient products that can save money and energy. Receive rebates at checkout for products such as thermostats, shower heads, faucet aerators, air purifiers, and LED light bulbs!

    Renewable Energy Resources: Interested in harnessing renewable energy? Look into these options offered by Xcel Energy to tap into solar and wind energy with and without panel installation.

    • Solar*Rewards: Go solar with your home to generate your own electricity and sell energy you don’t use back to Xcel Energy. Explore the website to learn more about eligibility, installation, incentives, and programs.
    • Solar*Rewards Community: Participate in renewable offerings without installing solar panels by supporting the development of a nearby community solar garden. Once subscribed, you will begin receiving credits on their monthly utility bills.
    • Renewable*Connect Flex: Enroll in clean energy without the need to install equipment. This is an easy and affordable way to power your business or home with renewable energy and potentially save on energy bills.

    Income Qualified Resources: Need help with bills or managing energy costs? Explore these resources to best suit your needs.

    Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association (PVREA) Programs and Resources

    Home Energy Efficiency Resources: Looking to make your home more energy efficient? PVREA offers tips, programs, assessments, and rebates to help you get started.

    • Home Energy Management: PVREA provides tools, tips, and programs so you can use your energy smarter, more efficiently, and less expensively.
    • Energy Assessments: Talk to PVREA energy experts to learn how you can be more energy efficient in your home.
    • PVREA Rebates: Learn about rebates for appliances, electric vehicles, heating and cooling systems, outdoor power equipment, residential lighting, and smart thermostats.

    Renewable Energy Resources: Curious about renewable energy? PVREA offers programs to participate in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power without installation and provides guidance on rooftop solar.

    • Community Solar: Benefit from clean, renewable energy, produced locally in Northern Colorado without solar panel installation. Energy produced by your subscription is credited to your monthly bill in this affordable, easy, and convenient program.
    • Rooftop Solar Installation Guidance: Get unbiased information to make the best decision about your current and future energy needs to ensure that rooftop solar is the best option for you. Learn more about rooftop solar basics and installation guidance and requirements.
    • Green Power Program: Support renewable energy generated from wind, solar, and small-scale hydroelectric power directly from your bill. For the average home, only $1.00 extra on your monthly electric bill invests you 100% in green power!

    Income Qualified Resources: PVREA offers payment assistance and free energy efficiency home improvements.

    • Payment Assistance: Find resources to help pay for your electric bills and explore additional community partners that provide energy assistance.
    • Energy Resource Center: Find free energy efficiency improvements including weatherization, energy audits, HVAS upgrades, lighting replacement, and more!

    Atmos Energy Programs and Resources

    Energy Efficiency Resources: Interested in making your home more energy efficient? Atmos Energy offers rebates, free energy efficiency materials, and tips to get you started.

    • Energy Efficiency Rebates: Explore rebates on high-efficiency furnaces, tankless water heaters, smart thermostats, and weatherization upgrades. Residential and business customers can submit an online application for the Colorado SmartChoice rebate here.
    • Free Energy and Water Saving Kits: Save money on your energy and water bills with these kits that include a showerhead, faucet aerators, weatherstrip, window installation shrink kit, and more!
    • Energy Saving Tips: Conserve energy and save emissions with these energy saving tips for your home or business.

    Income Qualified Resources: Atmos offers payment and weatherization assistance.

  • Energy Efficiency and Savings Opportunities for Windsor Businesses and Institutions

    Share Energy Efficiency and Savings Opportunities for Windsor Businesses and Institutions on Facebook Share Energy Efficiency and Savings Opportunities for Windsor Businesses and Institutions on Twitter Share Energy Efficiency and Savings Opportunities for Windsor Businesses and Institutions on Linkedin Email Energy Efficiency and Savings Opportunities for Windsor Businesses and Institutions link

    Explore resources from Xcel Energy, Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association (PVREA), and Atmos Energy for ways to save money at your business while improving energy efficiency and investing in renewable energy resources.

    Xcel Energy Programs and Resources

    Energy Efficiency Resources: Not sure where to start when it comes to making your business or institution more energy efficient? Check out these Xcel Energy programs and resources for rebates, savings, and efficiency opportunities!

    • Small Business Energy Solutions: Xcel Energy offers a free assessment and money back on energy-efficient updates for small to midsize businesses! Benefits include advice on energy efficiency and how to lower your bill, free energy-efficiency products such as LED lighting, aerators, pipe insulation, and thermostats, and reimbursed costs for energy-saving improvements.
    • Energy Assessment: For businesses of any size, energy assessment from Xcel Energy can help you identify energy and money-saving opportunities. Discover improvements throughout your whole building! Visit to see which assessment is right for your business.
    • Equipment Efficiency: Get help with the cost of lighting, heating, cooling, HVAC, and more equipment while saving energy. Xcel Energy offers rebates and savings for the following:
      1. Business lighting
      2. HVAC-R systems and parts
      3. Food service equipment
      4. Clean water pumps
      5. Commercial refrigeration
      6. Compressed air
      7. Computer equipment
      8. Energy management systems
      9. Cooling
      10. Heating
      11. Heat pumps

    Visit to explore more details.

    • Strategic Energy Management: Increase your energy efficiency, productivity, and reliability with data analytics and consulting services. Xcel Energy will help to enable energy-intensive businesses to significantly reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint and increase their sustainability.
    • Energy Efficiency Financing for Business: Xcel Energy offers tailored, one-stop financing solutions for energy-efficient upgrades through the National Energy Improvement Fund (NEIF).

    Renewable Energy Resources: Interested in harnessing renewable energy? Look into these options offered by Xcel Energy to tap into solar and wind energy with and without panel installation.

    • Solar*Rewards: Generate electricity at your business or institution through solar panel installation and sell energy you don’t use back to Xcel Energy. Explore the website to learn more about eligibility, installation, incentives, and programs.
    • Solar*Rewards Community: Participate in renewable energy offerings without installing solar panels by supporting the development of a nearby community solar garden. Once subscribed, you will begin receiving credits on monthly utility bills.
    • Renewable*Connect Flex: Enroll in clean energy from wind and solar sources without the need to install equipment. This is an easy and affordable way to power your business with renewable energy and potentially save on energy bills.

    Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association (PVREA) Programs and Resources

    Energy Efficiency Resources: Looking to make your business more energy efficient? PVREA offers tips, programs, and rebates to help you get started.

    • Rebates for Business Members: PVREA offers many rebates to help lower the upfront investment cost of purchasing electric products and appliances. Rebates exist for heating and cooling, LED lighting, smart thermostats, commercial and industrial motors, and more!
    • Strategic Electrification: Power your business processes with electricity instead of fossil fuels through strategic, or beneficial, electrification! PVREA offers programs and services to help achieve your business’ energy efficiency goals.
    • Energy Tools and Tips: Understand ways to reduce your business’ energy use to save money! Learn about hidden energy losses in your facility and tips to save energy in your business or institution.
    • Energy Load Graph: View the current total demand on PVREA’s electric grid as consumed by all members and find information on when to reduce your usage to limit peak demand on your system.

    Renewable Energy Resources: Curious about renewable energy for your business? PVREA offers programs to participate in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power without installation.

    • Community Solar: Benefit from clean, renewable energy, produced locally in Northern Colorado without solar panel installation. Energy produced by your subscription is credited to your monthly bill in this affordable, easy, and convenient program.

    Atmos Energy Programs and Resources

    Energy Efficiency Resources: Interested in making your business more energy efficient? Atmos Energy offers rebates and tips to get you started.

    • SmartChoice Rebates: Businesses and foodservice customers can get cash back with rebates from SmartChoice on high efficiency natural gas appliances, building upgrades, and smart thermostats. Additionally, larger businesses may be eligible for Colorado’s Custom Energy-Efficiency Program. Learn more at
    • Energy Saving Tips: Conserve energy and save emissions with these energy saving tips for your business or institution.
    • Resources for Foodservice Professionals: The Blue Flame Alliance is a free resource for commercial kitchens and foodservice companies to find information on how to improve efficiency, learn about natural gas equipment, and more!
Page last updated: 22 Jul 2024, 02:13 PM